Bequests and Gifts in Wills

Leaving a Gift in your Will to Peninsula Kingswood Community Foundation creates a legacy which will support vulnerable women and young people in the Frankston area.
Through our events, generous members, guests, donations and sponsorships have raised much needed funds to provide funding for programs run by local charities and organisations faced with a huge demand on their services.
By establishing a Gift in a Will to PK’s Community Foundation, members can leave a legacy that creates positive social change into the future. The Foundation is very grateful to members whose forward thinking and commitment will support the ongoing health and wellbeing of the Frankston community.
The Foundation welcomes Bequests and Gifts in Wills from PK members to support the Foundation’s giving for many years to come.
Types of gifts you may wish to consider:
There are several options to consider when you decide to leave a gift in your will to the Foundation, such as the type of gift you wish to make:
- Residuary Gift: This is the balance of your estate after personal commitments have been made.
- Percentage of estate: You can leave a percentage of your entire estate or the residue of it. Even a small percentage such as 5%, can make a huge difference.
- Pecuniary Gift: This is when you specify a dollar amount you wish to leave.
- A specific gift may Include financial assets such as shares, or other items of value.
PK members who wish to make a Gift in Wills donation to the Foundation please refer the appropriate wording below to your lawyer.
MAKING A GIFT TO Peninsula Kingswood Community Foundation, a sub fund of Australian Communities Foundation Ltd
I give (type of gift) to Australian Communities Foundation Limited, as Trustee of Australian Communities Foundation Fund (ABN 57 967 620 066) to be held on trust in the Australian Communities Foundation Fund and request, without obligation, the Trustee of the Fund hold the bequest in the Peninsula Kingswood Community Foundation] and to apply the funds as the Trustee decides/in favour of the Peninsula Kingswood Community Foundation’s grantmaking purposes, wherever practical in the Trustee’s discretion. The executor may accept a receipt from the secretary of the Trustee of the Fund as sufficient discharge for this gift.
Sharing your decision with us
When you include the Foundation in your will, we encourage you to notify us through the Club CEO: While not everyone seeks recognition, we welcome the opportunity to thank you for your generous gift as it is gratefully appreciated.